What is the purpose of physical circumcision?
One reason is that it serves as a sign or a mark that identifies the Jews of the Old Testament. That they were God's chosen people. It's a reminder to them of who they are.
It's a reminder in a similar way as a rainbow was a reminder to God after the flood. Every time He looks upon a rainbow He remembers His covenant between Himself and every living creature of all flesh on the earth. It's like a string tied around the finger (remembrance of a task) or in our case the blue cord on our wrist (reminding us to wait on the Spirit). It's like the wedding band married people wear (a physical reminder of wedlock). I'm sure you can think of other reminders you are familiar with.

Tonight Rochelle and I discussed this topic. I love what she brought to my attention...
If you remove the wedding band are you no longer married?
NOPE still hitched!
If you put on a ring does it make you married?
NOPE ceremony and vows still required!
OK I read an article earlier today about reverse circumcision and it isn't an option but my point is it's not the circumcision of the flesh that binds us to Him. If one has already been circumcised in the flesh but hasn't committed to the relationship it's like any Joe wearing a wedding ring to someone he hasn't married or doesn't really even know. It's not binding just because you have a "mark".
Flesh circumcision is a reminder...
God looks on the heart, that's where He searches for a mark. That's the only mark that truly matters.
What does all this mean? Well that things that serve as reminders are good but they are only meant to remind. Don't get caught up in the mark... focus on what you supposed to remember?
Additionally for me it means that this week in Kid's Church I don't yet need to teach in detail about the circumcision of Abraham's flesh but of what it is a reminder of... A heart that believed in the one true God and was fully His- marked. The Spiritual seed of God's people.
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