I look forward to witnessing the miracle of circumcision in this Body, as you share about the steps of faith that God calls you to take. Take courage, little flock, He is with you and will complete the work He has begun!
While we're waiting together, He's given us beautiful encouragemant through the words and images found in this week's Torah passage, especially when read alongide the "echoes" found in the prophets and in B'rit Chadashah (the New Testament). It's with this in mind that I hope you will enjoy walking down one or more of the following paths:
- "Leave your family" (Gen 12:1) God has created us in such a way that family ties are necessarily strong. At the same time, however, He calls special people to transcend natural family ties to join a spiritual family. Where else in Scripture are some people encouraged to walk away from family? (Hint: there are at least two other places, not including Jesus' teaching in the Gospels!) To whom is He speaking in these cases? How is this "love?"
- "King of righteousness" (Gen 14:18-20) Find other passages that refer to "Melchizedek," "King of Peace," and "King of Righteousness." What is a righteous king, in God's eyes? (Hint: what does Torah say? that is, what does the Law say about kings?) What does God say about kingship in eternity? (Hint: what do the prophets say about kings? include Revelation in your search!)
- "Horror and great darkness" (Gen 15:12) Ah, here is a beautiful example of the "darkness of the godly" that we found in Isaiah 50:10 and Psalm 139:12. Study the Hebrew for "dark" each of these places. What words does God say in each of these situations? Can you identify where you are or have been in darkness since you've believed? How has it helped you to learn to love?
Happy digging, fellow kings, prophets, and priests! Eat well, that you may feed others well. You are LOVED.
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