A place for Echoes to... uh... echo... what they're hearing from Father throughout the week.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Shabbat Sha... lamb?
"He shall feed his flock like a shepherd: he shall gather the lambs with his arm, and carry them in his bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young." Isa 40:11
May you be increasingly aware of your true Shepherd...
Monday, November 24, 2008
Chayei Sarah
At the end of Genesis 24, it says that Isaac was comforted by Rebekah after his mother's death. I wondered whether this could be one of the reasons that Abraham didn't find a son for him earlier in his life - so that Rebekah could be a comfort to him. Has God ever brought someone into your life at a time where you needed comfort?
Sarah was barren before she had Isaac. Rebekah was also barren, as we'll see in a few chapters. Can you find any other similarities between Rebekah and Sarah?
In Genesis 23:1, the NASB translation says "Now Sarah lived one hundred and twenty-seven years; these were the years of the life of Sarah." However, when most people are noted as dying, it says much less, just that "so and so lived x years, and then they died." - But "these were the years of the life of Sarah" brings a sense that Sarah's life was very important. What was it about Sarah that would make her worthy of such an honor?
In Genesis 25, it says that Abraham had more sons through another wife. Yet, before he dies, he sends them away. Why would Abraham do this? Was this an act of faith, cowardice, or something else?
Friday, November 21, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Vayera: The God of Vision (Genesis 18-22)
But wait, there's more! :) Yep, there are areas that I began to explore, but quickly realized were beyond the scope of this week's sermon. Here are some thoughts and questions to consider as you walk in His Word this week, continuing to follow in Abraham's steps of faith...
- "Lamb" or "Ram"? Abraham said God would provide a lamb, but God provided a ram! Ahah! Proof of contradiction! Well, wait... Lamb = simply sheep, one of the flock. A ram is a male sheep, and He chooses to make it clear that it is a male sheep that He chooses for a sacrifice. This little sidetrack brought to my mind someone else’s step of faith way back in the early chapters of Genesis…
Genesis 4:4 "Abel, on his part also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of their fat portions. And the LORD had regard for Abel and for his offering;"
From Hebrews 11 we know that Abel made a better sacrifice by faith, and we know that that sacrifice was of the first-born sheep… so now with these two stories we have God’s accepted sacrifice identified as first-born male sheep… and it is just this way that Christ is identified in the New Testament… the first born of creation, and God’s only son (as Isaac was Abraham’s only son of faith). Maybe one of you can add to this little thought-pretzel.
- "Ra'ah" Do a little search for this verb and see some of the way cool places it appears, especially in Genesis.
- "YHWH Appeared" Do a search for where people "ra'ah'd" YHWH, and their responses. Of particular note is Exodus 33:11... "the LORD used to speak to Moses face to face..." Did He stop meeting with Him that way? Vs 20 seems to suggest He stopped appearing to Moses this way... If so, why? I've got some ideas, and we'll come to it, oh, sometime in March... but for those who love His face NOW, I don't think He'd be offended if we looked into these matters a little now... :)
Happy digging, fellow kings, prophets, and priests... and fellow SHEEP/SHEPHERDS! Eat well, that you may feed others well. You are LOVED.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Shabbat shalom...
Not sure how to share with you the peace (shalom...safety and security) of this moment. A few quiet minutes, no pressing agenda, just a conversation with our Father while i hang out at starbucks. What are we talking about? Only this:
Ah, you are loved, Echo! Be at peace with Him, with eachother, and with yourselves!
"Blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of God!" Matt 5:9
May you make shalom with eachother and rest well in Him this shabbat! May His Spirit bear witness with yours that you are His...as you call out to Him, your Abba, your Daddy, your Papa.
Again i say, you are loved!
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Lekh L'kha! Abraham's Steps of Faith (Genesis 12-17)
I look forward to witnessing the miracle of circumcision in this Body, as you share about the steps of faith that God calls you to take. Take courage, little flock, He is with you and will complete the work He has begun!
While we're waiting together, He's given us beautiful encouragemant through the words and images found in this week's Torah passage, especially when read alongide the "echoes" found in the prophets and in B'rit Chadashah (the New Testament). It's with this in mind that I hope you will enjoy walking down one or more of the following paths:
- "Leave your family" (Gen 12:1) God has created us in such a way that family ties are necessarily strong. At the same time, however, He calls special people to transcend natural family ties to join a spiritual family. Where else in Scripture are some people encouraged to walk away from family? (Hint: there are at least two other places, not including Jesus' teaching in the Gospels!) To whom is He speaking in these cases? How is this "love?"
- "King of righteousness" (Gen 14:18-20) Find other passages that refer to "Melchizedek," "King of Peace," and "King of Righteousness." What is a righteous king, in God's eyes? (Hint: what does Torah say? that is, what does the Law say about kings?) What does God say about kingship in eternity? (Hint: what do the prophets say about kings? include Revelation in your search!)
- "Horror and great darkness" (Gen 15:12) Ah, here is a beautiful example of the "darkness of the godly" that we found in Isaiah 50:10 and Psalm 139:12. Study the Hebrew for "dark" each of these places. What words does God say in each of these situations? Can you identify where you are or have been in darkness since you've believed? How has it helped you to learn to love?
Happy digging, fellow kings, prophets, and priests! Eat well, that you may feed others well. You are LOVED.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Rest in Peace
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Food for thought? ... no it's for feeding!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Remember What's Important
What is the purpose of physical circumcision?
Covenants, a peek in His heart
I realize I'm often afraid to trust. My faith wavers so often. Noah didn't experience life after the flood as we have. He just did as God told him. We've have experienced the calm after the storm unlike Noah. He hadn't even seen rain yet! That's real faith...
In times of darkness my faith is shaken. Even though my mind knows His promise is everlasting and ever present. It's the darkness that hinders my view. I am reminded of a wise friend who once told me that darkness is only absence of light.
So what is it I can choose to do when I find myself in darkness? Move closer to the light!
Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, " I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life."
(John 8:12)
Hmm so I need to follow, When I find darkness creeping into my life is it because something has distracted me while I was supposed to be following? The light hasn't vanished even if I have distanced myself from it.
It's true sometimes my faith wavers. At times I loose sight of the straight and narrow path I am to follow. I place distance between the Light of Christ and myself. Thankfully He is faithful. His promises are for keeps! They are everlasting and He cannot fail! He initiates the covenant, He seals the deal! As I study covenants my mind is blown away! I can't comprehend it. First a rainbow and next circumcision. I'm still asking Him to show me, to teach me. But it's not only my mind that needs to be transformed, more importantly it's my heart that He wants! I'm not there yet but He's began a good work in me and He is able to bring it to completion.
Father continue to teach us how to love...
you with all of our heart soul and might. Amen
Hear O Israel! The LORD is our God, the LORD is one! "You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might.
Deu 6:4-5
"This is the great and foremost commandment.
Matt 22:37-39
(this rainbow is a complete circle)
Once again ECF I remind you an me to SHAMA!
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Noah (Genesis 6:9-11:32)
Here are some questions to help guide our study. A lot of things jumped out at me this week, and I don't expect that we will get to study all of the items below. I may not always mention studying the Hebrew or Greek words, but don't let that stop you from picking out keywords to dig into! Feel free to post your responses to any of the questions, and PLEASE post your own questions and ponderings!
We'll take a look at some of these (plus questions for next week's reading) the next time we get together (November 10th, 6pm at Oxford Starbucks).
- Genesis 8:20-21 Noah's Sacrifice. Today we talked briefly about Noah's sacrifice of animals that had just been saved from the flood. God was pleased by this sacrifice, and by Noah's faith. The sacrifice, as far as we can tell, was not given as payment or to try to get God to do anything. What kinds of sacrifices do you offer? Why do you offer them?
- Genesis 9:22 Noah's Nakedness is Covered. Have you noticed a brother's or sister's "nakedness" lately? Have you "echoed" Ham by telling others, or have you "echoed" Shem and Japheth by covering instead?
- Genesis 10:6-14 Cush. Looking at your Bible maps, try to identify where the sons of Cush ended up. Do were hear about people from these areas later on? Remember, Genesis tells of the "beginning" of many nations, not just Israel. God has a plan for these other people, too!
- Genesis 10:6-14 (again) Nimrod, the "Mighty Hunter." (Study the Hebrew words!) Can you identify some other "hunters" in Scripture? What might this group of characters tell us about being a hunter, and God's perspective on hunters?
- Genesis 11:1-9 Babel. Tower-building was briefly mentioned during today's sermon. What does a tower symbolize, here and throughout Scripture? What towers do you run to, and what towers do you build for your own name? Contrast ark-building and its purpose with tower-building and its purpose.
- Genesis 11:30 Sarai's Barrenness. Take a look at the Haftorah reading in Isaiah (54-55). What is barrenness? (Study the Hebrew word!) Are you experiencing or have you experienced any areas of barrenness? Do you have a testimony of fruitfulness now, or perhaps a present burden that we can share? How can barrenness help us learn to love?