Saturday, October 25, 2008

What can you give?

On "The Office", the Scranton branch was robbed and the branch manager decided to hold an auction in order to raise money for replacements. Since they had no goods, they auctioned off their services, things they could do for each other. (A yoga lesson, filing your taxes, etc) Well, one lady wanted to auction off a hug. The manager thought this was stupid, and put off auctioning off this hug, until it was the only thing left. Well, long story short, this hug started a bidding war and ended up going for $1,000. That little hug, previously dismissed, raised more money than anything else in the auction.

We're a little body, and at times, we may feel like we don't have a lot, or anything to give. Maybe it's because we feel inferior, or maybe it's because we don't feel like we have the time to invest in something 'big'. Neither is actually true! Sometimes the smallest acts are the ones that are most memorable, and don't need to require all our time. Would it be great if we all had unlimited resources, energy and time to give to one another? Sure. But just because we don't, doesn't make us any less effective in our ability to love.

So what can you give? If not a visit, perhaps a quick email? If not that, maybe spend a moment in prayer for someone - I'm sure we all need that!

Don't underestimate what you can do. A little bit of love goes a long way.

My thanks to Sharon for the awesome hug every week. They remind me of the hugs my Grandma used to give. (and those were the best hugs ever)

1 comment:

Echo1Michigan said...

"What I have, I give to you!!!"
Blessed are you, echo, small in strength but great in ability to love... Blessed are you when you pour out, for you shall be filled!