It took me a while to pick a picture for this entry... I wanted something that depicted the veil and the glory that fades vs the glory that doesn't fade. Paul says the servants of the gospel have unveiled faces (1 Cor 3:13) and that the glory on these faces doesn't fade like that of Moses. So, why this picture?
Well, the glory that faded is pictured behind us... the temple, the physical place of worship that was destroyed, not by human hands, ultimately, but by God's hand. The glory of the Law is tremendous indeed, worthy of awe and fear, because that glory, the glory of God as a consuming fire... has the power to kill.
But this new glory Paul speaks of... ah, well, that glory brings LIFE... does it still consume? You betcha. But because of our High Priest who entered the Holy of Holies "once for all" the veil has been torn, and we can walk unashamed, unafraid... certain of His resurrection power, and secure that His glory rests on us for all eternity. Moses exemplified insecurity, and ultimately, a faith based on sight. We walk with a greater glory, thanks be to God, and this treasure in earthen vessels is meant to SHINE!
So SHINE, Echo... He is in your midst, and He adores you. Shine, like a child whose Daddy loves her and delights in her little dance. Shine, like a young woman who for the first time realizes the one she has a secret crush on... likes her too. Shine, like a Bride on that Glorious Day... and someday, may you also shine with His Seed in you, as a woman with child, and then, as a new mother...
Ah, beautiful, beautiful...
Shabbat Shalom
1 comment:
I was thinking this week about how it's the Father's glory to conceal matters and the glory of kings to seek it out Prov 25:2. Just think of the glory hidden in our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ! Seek it out!
I even allowed my mind to wander as far as to picture the sanctuary of God filled with the saints gathered in praise. The more hearts bound to Him the more glory He receives!
We occasionally sing a song that plays like a movie of this in my mind each time we sing it ...
Lord, let Your glory fall
as on that ancient day,
songs of enduring love
and then Your glory came.
And as a sign to You
that we would love the same,
our hearts will sing that song:
God, let Your glory come.
You are good, You are good,
and Your love endures.
You are good, You are good,
and Your love endures.
You are good, You are good,
and Your love endures today.
Voices in unison
giving You thanks and praise,
joined by the instruments
and then Your glory came.
Your presence like a cloud
upon that ancient day,
the priests were overwhelmed
because Your glory came.
Oh, Your anger lasts a moment,
but your favor lasts a lifetime.
Yeah, yeah.
A sacrifice was made,
and then Your fire came;
they knelt upon the ground,
and with one voice they praised.
They sang, “Come, Lord.
Lord, let Your glory fall,
let You glory fall. Come, Lord Jesus.”
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