The little girl runs ahead, exclaiming, "Look at this shell here! And this one! Oh, and rocks, and starfish, and seaglass... and... and... and... " Even the sand, and how the tide causes it to swell and to rest, swell and rest, like breathing, and the water leaves behind bits of the sea, a bubbly residue... "Isn't it beautiful?"
The excitement is precious, and all a part of being young and ALIVE. But further back, the child's Companion--Who happens to be the Author of all the beauty--walks slowly, reflective but not pensive, also ALIVE, but with a quietness that speaks not of agedness or cynicism or complacency or criticism, but of wisdom and a peace that passes understanding. He enjoys her enjoyment, but there's a sense that He eagerly (but never impatiently) awaits a point in time, when the child will slow down and walk with Him, hand-in-hand, and her greatest thrill will be found in just being with Him, moment by moment.
The excitement is precious, and all a part of being young and ALIVE. But further back, the child's Companion--Who happens to be the Author of all the beauty--walks slowly, reflective but not pensive, also ALIVE, but with a quietness that speaks not of agedness or cynicism or complacency or criticism, but of wisdom and a peace that passes understanding. He enjoys her enjoyment, but there's a sense that He eagerly (but never impatiently) awaits a point in time, when the child will slow down and walk with Him, hand-in-hand, and her greatest thrill will be found in just being with Him, moment by moment.

On October 25th, 2008, Echo will begin reading the Pentateuch together. It's a year-long reading... slow, steady, no rush... we will do it together, hand-in-hand, with Him and with each other. May it be a year of delight, a year of blessing, a year of growing up in Him, not toward independent adulthood, but toward sweet Brideship...
And this congregation said.... AMEN.
And this congregation said.... AMEN.

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