A place for Echoes to... uh... echo... what they're hearing from Father throughout the week.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Friday, January 23, 2009
Cease striving...
Cease trying to force decisions. You AREN'T stuck, you're just being still for a moment. It won't kill ya... well, maybe it'll kill some of that prideful, independent attitude of yours, the one that says "I am fully capable of making my own decisions, thank You very much. You may comfort me when I'm hurting, but don't mess with my daily life choices. I've got those covered."
Cease trying to be religious. Superstition is unbecoming one who serves a living God. But wait, if you aren't really interested in SERVING Me and Shama'ing MY voice--if you're just interested in belonging to a moderately respectable little club--then go right ahead, follow your superstition. It might give you a little comfort for now.
Cease trying to prove anything. I know your heart. Be Tammim. If the world doesn't get it, SO WHAT? They didn't get Me either. Get over it and just BE LOVE.
Cease trying to protect yourself. Am I not your refuge?
Hey you. Yeah you. I'm right over here. Are you weary? Are you heavy-laden? C'mon, sit with Me a little while. Maybe even a whole Day. Become My help-meet, and you will find rest for your soul.
I love you.
Shabbat Shalom, Princess...
Thursday, January 22, 2009
In that one hour I felt heavy grief, fear, hope, trust, renewed faith and comfort that comes only through His Words.
Parts of the speeches emphasized the religious diversity of American citizens. I understand that freedom of religion is a constitutional right. That's not what stirs me.
Maybe I'm overly sensitive however, I felt that it was implied that it doesn't matter which god you serve because all beliefs are equal in the eyes of this our nation founded in liberty for all. This ideology is troubling to me. I admit I don't discriminate against any one's right to serve their Asherah or Baal. Far be it for me to take religious freedom from anyone. This country promises it and God Himself gives free will to all mankind.
What troubles me is the notion that all these beliefs and their gods are equal.
All men are created equal yes.
I am equal with my fellow citizens but my God, He's not equal to my fellow citizens' gods.
My God is way bigger! He's El Elyon !
It's my God who created us equal! The gods made by man are not equal to my God!
I wanted to share the simple words that He spoke to comfort me. They resignate in my soul and in my heart each time I feel uneasy thoughts and emotions about these implications of our fellow citizens' gods being equal to YHWH...
(I do love it that He reminds me over and over and over, I often need that)
Shema Israel Adonai (YHWH) Eloheinu Adonai (YHWH) Echad.
Hear O Israel the Lord (He-Who-Is) our God, is one Lord (He-Who-Is).
AMAN (I believe it's true), THANK YOU YHWH, Our God the One Who Is.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Ir David
The story of the City of David began over 3,000 years ago, when King David left the city of Hebron for a small hilltop city known as Jerusalem, establishing it as the unified capital of the tribes of Israel. Years later, David's son, King Solomon, built the First Temple next to the City of David on top of Mount Moriah, the site of the binding of Isaac, and with it, this hilltop became one of the most important sites in the world. (From the http://www.cityofdavid.org.il/ website)
Look closely... do you see the tiny rainbow? :) Today, as I ponder "baby" Echo, and how singularly unspectacular we kind of are (again, don't get me wrong, you all know I ADORE this little body!)... I ponder that little rainbow over little old Ir David, and I remember God's promise... of a New and Glorious City-to-Come... and a New Day, a Shabbat for us to enter, and a New Name that will rest as a gentle blessing on the heads of those who "have a little power, and have kept (His) word, and have not denied His name." (Rev 3:8-12)
Stand firm, little Echo. Remember His promises, keep His Word, persevere, and do not give in to the temptation to deny His name...
And this weekend, may you Shabbat in Shalom. You are loved.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Praying and laughing together... eating YUMMY pudding from kids church (the "good plan" recipe using ingredients that by themselves aren't all that yummy) ...hanging out together after service, chatting...

...while Matt and Joey do their Bible thang...
As for me, I was in my own little zone after service, keeping my body busy so that I wouldn't be distracted from the state of continuous prayer and preparing my heart for Echo Detroit.
Ah, Echo Detroit...

The kids enjoyed kids church SOOO much! We learned about the star the wisemen followed, and we made gifts to give the Baby King. Tiarra offered Him Love, and AndreYa gave Him her heart. Aubrie and Lucy were more practical, figuring He'd need a house and baby food. Andre wanted to give Him a hug, and I, well, I gave Him a ring...
It was a precious foundation, this first meeting. I look forward to sharing more news as He continues to work in this "hidden" church...
Echoes everywhere.... good-night-I-love-you-God-bless-you-sweet-dreams!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Shabbat Shalom Lecha Dodi
"Shabbat Shalom Lecha Dodi" that is, Sabbath peace to You, my Beloved.
All over the world, people are welcoming the "Sabbath Bride," a mystical personification of the Sabbath. This notion of a Sabbath Bride or Queen has deep roots in the Scriptural understanding of this lovely Day that our Lord looks forward to with intense delight.
He longs for the Wedding Feast, and the Day in which the Bridegroom whispers to His Bride, "Come, lie down with me in Rest." And She responds, "Willingly, my Beloved!"
May we also call His Sabbath a delight, as we look forward to His Coming. And until then, may our relationship with the Father continue to blossom...
Precious Lord, take my hand, lead me on, let me stand
I am tired, I am weak, I am worn
Thru the storm, through the night, lead me on to the Light
Take my hand, Precious Lord, lead me home.
Ah Precious Lord, I know how prone I am to wander, to skip ahead, or to lag behind. Hold my hand, Dear Papa... let me walk with You. And please don't let go of my hand.
Until all this is sorted out, and we behold the Beloved face to face... Let us greet each Sabbath with faith, hope, and love... Faith that He has paid our Bride-price, hope in His return, and Love... Love for Him first, above and before anyone or anything else.
Erchamcha, Adonai... (I love You Lord) and Shabbat Shalom to YOU, my Beloved!
Oh... heh heh... and to you too, all you Echoes near and far. You are loved.