It has been tugging at my heart and definitely a part of my prayer time. Should we change our services to a communal meal? Are we being called to practice physical Love Feasts?
Every time we look at a new house I wonder if it will be a home fit to gather the body in. I get little visions of you all standing at the kitchen counter, or in the dining room. It's as if it's a criteria that He's given me as we house shop. Will we all be able to assemble and eat together? I never see it as a formal dinner it's casual, family style. We are all comfortable and ourselves. No stuffy fake stuff.

This morning again as we prayed about it He brought to mind what I have always imagined the scene to look like when Jesus is seated at Simon's table and the sinful woman enters and cleanses His feet. He's lounged on a big cushion seated at a table dining. They are chatting and it's a casual meal. I don't know what it actually looked like it's just how I picture it.
We've all "done church" before. How much relationships really occurs in the pews? How well can you get to know someone in that setting? How close do you sit to the rest of the body in our orange pews?
Now think about how much relationship occurs at the family dinner table! We exchange so much at the dinner table. News, schedules, ups and downs of our day, love for one another, anger towards each other ... I could go on. It's one place where we just relate. It's also one place where we are truly our self. I think I've learned more sitting at the dinner table about my family than anywhere else.
Studies show that families who regularly eat meals together have better relationships, are healthier, have less stress, have children with better behavior...
Pray about it. Ask Him. He hasn't given me an answer yet. But, every time I mention it to Him I feel good about the idea of it. I think "how can it be a bad idea"?
Look at the early church...they were continually devoting themselves to the apostles' teaching and to fellowship,
to the breaking of bread and to prayer (Acts 2:42).
I don't know if we will change, it's not up to me. But I want to hear what the Father has to say about it. I've been asking him since mid June (according to entries in my journal). Maybe he has given you a "feel good experience" when you mention it to Him. Maybe you become anxious about the idea or see it as an inconvenience. Whatever your response is I would ask that you share it with the body.
We must be of one mind in this decision. Share whatever He speaks to you whether it be yes, no or silence.